Judicial debt collection offers many advantages over the debt collection methods offered by the traditional collection agency.
Here are some important advantages of judicial debt collection:
- Legal force: By resorting to justice, creditors can assert their rights in a formal and legal manner. Under the law, debtors will be forced to pay their debts.
- Increased credibility: When creditors are willing to take legal action to collect their debts, it goes without saying that their credibility with debtors is enhanced. Debtors will be more willing to pay their debts if they understand that the creditor will take legal action to collect them.
- Possibility of obtaining a court order: Once the court agrees with the findings sought by a creditor, the creditor obtains a court order directing the debtor to repay the debt. This order can be used against the debtor’s assets to collect the debt.
- Recovery of court costs: The creditor is able to recover the court costs incurred in the debt collection process.
- Determination of the amount owed: If the creditor and debtor are unable to agree on the exact amount of the debt, judicial collection can help clarify the situation. A judge can determine the exact amount of the debt and order its repayment.
We often associate judicial debt collection as a lengthy and costly process. However, with Maîtres du Recouvrement, the opposite is true. With our affordable pricing, probability metrics, reporting of files to credit reporting bureaus, and our litigation approach, the debtor knows right away that it is to their advantage to settle their case quickly when it is assigned to our care.
For a more comprehensive list of the benefits of judicial debt collection, see https://maitresdurecouvrement.com/en/about-us/