Like any professional debt management and collection service, we understand that debtors may find it difficult to fulfill their obligations to their creditors due to a lack of money. We accompany them in the settlement of their obligations but ensure that the interests of our clients remain the priority.
Debtor’s inability to pay
The primary reason for non-payment of a debt is the financial inability of the debtor, who is juggling with a limited budget that is often lower than his obligations. Faced with such a situation, the debtor has no choice but to prioritize the repayment of his debts and soon, if his situation does not improve, he will stop communicating with some of his creditors, just because he is not able to honour all his obligations. He will then be too ashamed, reckless or unable to correct the situation.
Duties of the creditor
The creditor’s first duty is to address any delay in payment with diligence and to maintain active communication with his debtor, but he must know what to say and when to say it, when to act and how to act. Our solutions answer these questions.
An irreproachable approach
Maîtres du Recouvrement applies the highest standards of customer service and treats all debtors with an irreproachable professional approach. Communications are supported by multi-channel technology management that facilitates interaction, builds trust and minimizes barriers to settlement.
Our communications promote exchanges, value correspondents and are focused on finding solutions.